A Sundarban weekend trip is a short vacation plan. You can cover a travel plan in Sundarban in 2 nights and three days’ duration as well as in 1 night two, days plan as per your convenience. Regardless of preparing for a short weekend tour in Sundarbon, a honeymoon trip, or a unique and exclusive photography tour in Sundarban, you need to check a few points with your Sundarban tour operator before booking.
You can count on this suggestive point as a sundarban tour guide from the pro traveler’s real-life experience in Sundarbon. By following them, you will probably enjoy a Sundarban travel program at its best.
Confirm the availability of the transit journey
It’s not an easy journey to reach Sundarban. It is an out-of-the-city destination, and you must reach the place comfortably. Govt authorized Tour operators arrange a transit journey to reach the Sundarban area comfortably.
When you book a Sundarban weekend trip, always check the arrangement facility if the transit journey is available here. Always check the pickup and drop points and the timing of the pickup arrangement from the city.
Availability of a local guide for the travel plan
Sundarban is not a mere travel destination. The entire area has a unique vibe that only a resident can let you know. Therefore, wherever you will book a Sundarban trip, please check with the tour operator if you get the help and assistance of a local guide.
A local guide is well aware of the customs, superstitions, and stories related to the tourist attractions of the Mangrove Forest area, which are customized ways to make your Sundarban travel more enjoyable. Also, a local tour guide can help you stay safe in the forest with their knowledge of security and forest protocols.
Boating plan to view the dense core areas from the waterway

Jeep safari is one of India’s most in-demand travel items in forest trip programs. However, Sundarban Mangrove Forest is an exception. Here insisted on Jeep safari, you can avail of Boat safari arrangements.
Sundarbans’ unique tidal wave is the stimulus behind the arrangement. During the high tide, tidal water enters the mangrove forest and almost maintains 6-7 feet of depth in the woods. The experienced boatmen can take you to the forest’s core areas so you can glimpse the dense and forbidden regions of the reserve forest from the waterbed.
The boat safari is available only during the daytime. During the high tide only, the boasts can enter the core areas of the Mangrove Forest. Monsoon is not the right time for the Boat safari. Please speak to your tour operator before you book your Sundarban tour. You may compromise your trip enjoyment if you don’t get the scope to join the bot safari.
Joining the Watchtower tour is a must
It is rightly said that watchtowers are safe canopies to watch the wildlife of Sundarban and the natural beauty of the forest, even at night. There are several towers in Sundarban where you can check-in.
However, the glimpse of a tiger is perhaps the wild desire of every Sundarban traveler, but seeing a tiger is all about a bit of luck. You can rarely experience the view of a tiger from the watchtower. Tigers are lonely animals, and they mostly avoid crowds.
Still, the watchtower tour in Sundarban will gift you an immaculate scope to watch the forest and its fauna with a safe aerial view. The name of the famous watchtowers on the Indian side of Sundarban isSajnekhali, Sudhanyakhali, Netadhopani, Burir Dabri watchtowers, etc. Please speak to your sundarban Tour operator about the watchtowers you will get to visit during your trip.
Always prefer a safe stay to enjoy the best wilderness vibes
You can enjoy a Sundarban trip well after securing accommodation in a comfortable resort. A jungle resort will never let you lose the wild vibes of greens around, yet it will offer you the best urban facilities to make your stay comfortable.
Before you book a Sundarban weekend trip, don’t forget to discuss and check with the tour operator about the resort where you will be staying. For example, Sundarban Tiger Roar Resort is a luxury resort where you can comfortably enjoy your wilderness tour with the best thrill and safety in one go.
Do not forget to check the weather forecast before booking a tour
Sundarbon is a UNESCO Heritage site, a Tiger Reserve. Still, before all these attributes, it is a wild forest surrounded by more significant rivers and proximity to the Bay of Bengal. It is risky to visit the place if there is any forecast of depression, cyclonic storm, etc., in the concerned area.
No matter if you plan the Sundarban weekend trip at the last minute, it will take hardly 5-minute time to check the weather forecast in the coastal areas of Sundarban. If IMD offers you a clear signal, you can pack your luggage.
Summing up:
Let’s cut a long story short. Planning a Sundarban weekend trip is no rocket science is sure, butyou cannot book a tour on the word of mouth of the tour operator. It is always wise to check the official website of the tour operator you have selected so far to guess the quality of the trip they arrange: for example, check the review of their existing guests.
Try your Sundarban weekend trip with Sundarban Wildlife Tourism. For booking or tour assistance, please call 9903977265/ 9331055704 . Also, you may book a wildlife Photography Tour with this tour operator. Your tour will be organized with the best care and arrangement, including local guides and expert boatmen.
To learn more about Sundarban Tour under different packages and other tour-related information, you may browse https://sundarbantigerroarresort.com